Thursday, November 12, 2009

Have 2 create a society or a community 4 a project. rly need help! any good ideas?

ok it has 2 be realistic, a little ways into the future. ive already covered transportation, education, money, government, out of community trading, but if u do have any really good ideas with any of those that would be great. i need a flag, a motto and anything else u can think of! o yea and if u need 2 know like wat the community is based on for like the motto and stuff. its christian, democracy, self-supporting (every house owner is required to field a very small -less than half an acre- area for organic foods.) classes in school are german, french, spanish, chinese, japanese, and self defense( including martial arts, ability to operate guns, and other basic things in cases of emergency). u are only allowed guns in hunting areas. 1 year of college is required, 2 years or more is optional. college classes are -operating businesses, farming, politics, and sum other basics. punishment is labor camps (3 meals a day and not bad working conditions. but still sucks 4 the person)

Have 2 create a society or a community 4 a project. rly need help! any good ideas?
This is your project, you need to use your own imagination. Using other people's imaginations is cheating on your homework.

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